Watch-Commander is a cutting edge system that integrates modern Smart-Phone Technology and the power of a Web-Based Application to create a new level in Security Officer Tracking and Supervision.


Your Android Site Phone becomes an Officer Management and Tracking tool:
  • An Android Smart-Phone replaces your dedicated tracking device
  • It scans a barcode at each designated checkpoint location
  • It matches the current GPS coordinates against the coordinates for the scanned checkpoint
  • In real-time the location scan is transmitted to the web for your immediate viewing
  • Multiple authentication levels insure that others cannot use your barcodes
  • An internal phone timer reminds the officer before they're late for the next location scan.
  • It reminds officers where the checkpoints are located, keeping re-training to a minimum
  • It's cost effective, saving you money over other similar systems!

Your Web Connected PC puts the information at your finger tips 24/7:
  • Multiple Logins and User Levels allow pin-point control.
  • Print Barcodes for your checkpoint locations
  • Maintain Site and Checkpoint Location data with a few key-strokes
  • Review and report on location scans as they happen.
  • Improve client relations by letting them access thier sites directly